Your fresh set is poppin', the installation is perfect and now you get to enjoy the next 3-6 months with you new extensions, now what?
Post Care:
Do not wash 48 hours after your initial installation
Do keep your hair tied (either in braids, or low ponytail) when you sleep
Do keep your hair tied while in a convertible, or moving boat*
Home Care:
Avoid products with sulfate (this is generally limited shampoos - it's a cleansing agent and too harsh for your extensions and color ). Using sulfate-free shampoo will help prolong your color service, and importantly keep your keratin bonds in-tact
Use your extensions-friendly hair brush. Any boar bristle, or flexible bristle brush is fine
To air-dry your hair is fine, but never ever ever go to bed with your hair wet
Do not tie your hair wet up in a pony tail
Wash and Blowdry: We will lather in circular motion, rinse and repeat. Use conditioner sparingly on the roots and massage from your mids to ends. Blow-dry your hair until it's 30-50% dry, and brush
Heat Styling: When the bonds grow out, and they will, make sure you don't apply any direct heat (flat iron, curling iron/wand, but you're green light an air-wrap heat styler)
What to Expect:
You shed 50-100 strands of hair every day, and every single strand has it's own growing cycle. This is normal and part of healthy hair growth, there is increased cell renewal, so you may lose a bond, you may a lose a few but rest assure it won't take away from your overall look. When that bond has shed, it's okay to let it go. Each install will always match your density to ensure healthy grow-outs.
A complimentary follow-up; you will know within 2 weeks if needed, but you can book this up to 3 months after your first install
With proper home care, you can see and feel growth. I know you'll love your extensions as much as I enjoyed taking care of you. Cheers to healthy hair days ahead!
*Keeping your hair secure in a climate or environment that you have less control in will prevent tangles and matting. Lucky you, those keratin bonds wont show whether you choose a high pony or a messy bun! ❤️